​🗓️  Join ‘The Ultimate Authority Challenge’ for FREE Oct 29th - Nov 1st @ 1 PM EDT

“Give Us 1 Hour A Day For 4 Days And We'll Show You...

How To Write, Publish, & Profit

With Your OWN BOOK!

…Even If You’re Not ‘Creative’... Don’t Know Where To Start… Don’t Know What To Write About… And Don’t Know How To Market!

FREE Join ‘The Ultimate Authority Challenge’

to Discover the Simple 4-Step Process to Writing Your Own Best-Selling Book that’ll help Establish Your Authority, Charge MORE for Your Services, and Have Customers Filling Up Your Waiting List to Work With You!

october 29th - November 1st @ 1 PM EDT

Your Hosts:

Darcy Juarez

Magnetic Marketing

Rob Kosberg

national best-selling author of 'publish. promote. profit.'



Make Sure Your Sound Is On And Watch The Video Below

“Rob is one of the kings of helping people get the idea of the book out of their minds and onto pages and into the marketplace. I've seen him do it over and over again. I don't think there is anyone in this world who has published more successful books than Rob.”

– Russell Brunson


“Rob is one of the kings of helping people get the idea of the book out of their minds and onto pages and into the marketplace. I've seen him do it over and over again. I don't think there is anyone in this world who has published more successful books than Rob.”

– Russell Brunson


“Give Us 1 Hour A Day For 4 Days And We'll Show You...

How To Write, Publish, & Profit

With Your OWN BOOK!

…Even If You’re Not ‘Creative’... Don’t Know Where To Start… Don’t Know What To Write About… And Don’t Know How To Market!

Make Sure Your Sound Is On And Watch The Video Below

FREE Join ‘The Ultimate Authority Challenge’

to Discover the Simple 4-Step Process to Writing Your Own Best-Selling Book that’ll help Establish Your Authority, Charge MORE for Your Services, and Have Customers Filling Up Your Waiting List to Work With You!

october 29th - November 1st @ 1 PM EDT

Your Hosts:

Darcy Juarez

Magnetic Marketing

Rob Kosberg

national best-selling author of 'publish. promote. profit.'



“Rob is one of the kings of helping people get the idea of the book out of their minds and onto pages and into the marketplace. I've seen him do it over and over again. I don't think there is anyone in this world who has published more successful books than Rob.”

Russell Brunson


“Rob is one of the kings of helping people get the idea of the book out of their minds and onto pages and into the marketplace. I've seen him do it over and over again. I don't think there is anyone in this world who has published more successful books than Rob.”

– Russell Brunson


“Give Us 1 Hour A Day For 4 Days And We'll Show You...

How To Write, Publish, & Profit

With Your OWN BOOK!

…Even If You’re Not ‘Creative’... Don’t Know Where To Start… Don’t Know What To Write About… And Don’t Know How To Market!

FREE Join ‘The Ultimate Authority Challenge’

to Discover the Simple 4-Step Process to Writing Your Own Best-Selling Book that’ll help Establish Your Authority, Charge MORE for Your Services, and Have Customers Filling Up Your Waiting List to Work With You!

october 29th - November 1st @ 1 PM EDT



Your Hosts:

Darcy Juarez

Magnetic Marketing

Rob Kosberg

national best-selling author of 'publish. promote. profit.'

“Rob is one of the kings of helping people get the idea of the book out of their minds and onto pages and into the marketplace. I've seen him do it over and over again. I don't think there is anyone in this world who has published more successful books than Rob.”

– Russell Brunson


“Rob is one of the kings of helping people get the idea of the book out of their minds and onto pages and into the marketplace. I've seen him do it over and over again. I don't think there is anyone in this world who has published more successful books than Rob.”

– Russell Brunson


Here’s What You’ll Learn Each Day During

‘The Ultimate Authority Challenge’


Why You Should Write A Book & Types of Businesses That Use A Book

On day 1, we’ll reveal why EVERY business owner (regardless of industry or background) should have a published book, including the kind of book that matches best with each business.

You’ll discover why it doesn’t matter if you sell courses online or local honey at the farmer’s market… having a published book can work WONDERS for YOU and your authority in your chosen field.


What Do You Need To Do
To Write A Book

Not a writer? Don’t know where to start…? No worries. On day 2, you’ll learn just how EASY it is to write a book, all without “overthinking” the process or worrying if you're doing it “right.”

NO FANCY-SHMANCY English degrees necessary.

Plus, on day 2, Rob will show you how to write ANY book 10X FASTER so you can publish it FASTER and of course begin raking in profits… (you guessed it)... FASTER!!


Unlock The Hidden Profits

On day 3, we’re going to pull back the curtain and reveal the MILLION DOLLAR system & online sales funnel that allows us to sell BOATLOADS of books without going the traditionally slow (and expensive) marketing routes publishers typically use.

This is the secret to OWNING your own work and charging what you’re worth… while at the same time, DOUBLING even TRIPLING your average order value!


PR In Media

Everyone wants their name and work published in media, but so few know how to get it (or get it without FORKING over a large investment).

On the final day, we’ll show you WHY you want to get your name and work represented in the media… as well as how to get it without hiring an expensive PR team.

What Are You Waiting For...?

Now’s Your Chance To Learn How To Write, Publish, & Profit From That Book You Said You’ve Been Wanting To Get Out Into The World!

Meet Your Hosts During The

4-Day Virtual Event

Darcy Juarez

co-author of 'no b.s. direct marketing book'

Darcy is the Chief Business Strategist at Magnetic Marketing, and is Dan Kennedy’s top student, who he has relied upon to teach his Magnetic Marketing principles.

Darcy has been a long-standing contributor to Dan’s No B.S. Marketing Letter and is the co-author of Dan’s ‘No B.S. Direct Marketing for Non-Direct Marketers’ book. She herself is the author of two other books, including ‘Insiders Secret to Writing A Lead Generation Book In 7 Days Or Less’ and ‘5 Ways To Double Your Business In 90 Days Or Less’.

Rob Kosberg

author of 'publish. promote. profit.'

Rob Kosberg is a serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, and the founder of BestSellerPublishing.org. He has built three different Multi-Million Dollar Businesses in less than 18 months through helping his clients — and he did it in the worst economic downturn of our generation.

Now, Rob teaches you these same strategies to become a bestselling author, reach your target audience, and grow your wealth without ever hunting for clients again.

Imagine FINALLY Publishing The Book You've Always Wanted

And Becoming The #1 Authority Figure In Your Field With Clients Filling Up Your Waiting List Just To Work With You!

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